Our Class Offerings
This class is geared to expose children to social interaction and problem-solving, hands-on art and sensory activities, music/movement, and circle time.
Days: Wednesdays 9:15am - 10:45am
Ages: For children 12 - 23 months old
Class size: Up to 12 children (and an accompanying adult) and 1 teacher
PC Only: $100/month
PC Add on: $100/month
Level 4: $80/month
Application Fee: $25
Annual Non-Refundable Membership Fee: $35 (per family)
One-Time Registration & Materials Fee: $75 (per child)
Our Toddler Transition class revolves around experiential learning and introduction to real-life events and understandings. The curriculum infuses learning into daily activities and routines; all while nurturing self-awareness, expressive language, problem-solving, and self-advocacy. Children will participate in circle time, art, sensory, snack, dramatic play, and movement--all in an organized environment prepared for the unique needs of the group. This drop-off program scaffolds children’s and parent’s transition into preschool. Potty training is not required.
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:15am - 11:15am
Ages: For children ages 24 months (by September 1) to 35 months
Class size: Up to 15 children with 1 teacher and up to 2 parent-assistants
Level 4: $230/month
Level 3: $285/month
Level 2: $345/month
Level 1: $385/month
One-Time Registration & Materials Fee: $150 (per child)
One-Time Membership Fee: $35 (per family)
Our preschool program offers classes that provide a wide range of developmental and cognitive opportunities with two overarching themes—social communication and problem-solving. While the children have ongoing opportunities for art, dramatic play, sensory and outdoor activities, handwriting, movement, and math experiences, we facilitate cooperation, pro-social interactions, and enable (through emotional, physical, and verbal support) interactive problem-solving among children.
Days: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm (recommended for 3 - 6 year olds) OR Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm (recommended for 4 - 6 year olds)
Ages: For children ages 3 (by September 1st) through 6 years *must be potty trained
Class Size: Up to 15 children (1 teacher and 2 parent-assistants) or 25 children (2 teachers and up to 3 parent-assistants)
*Class structure is dependent on enrollment & determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with licensing requirements.
Tuition for 3-day Preschool:
Level 4: $340/month
Level 3: $425/month
Level 2: $510/month
Level 1: $685/month
Tuition for 4-day Preschool:
Level 4: $455/month
Level 3: $565/month
Level 2: $680/month
Level 1: $915/month
One-Time Registration & Materials Fee: $150 (per child)
One-Time Membership Fee: $35 (per family)
PlayON is our Outdoor Nature program and is for children to explore the wonder and fun of nature. We will facilitate hikes, games, nature activities/discussion, and encourage exploration of and play in the great outdoors. Each class also includes activities and a gathering time where we may sing songs, enjoy a story, and share or document our experiences. Class locations are held at various outdoor locations (rain or shine!) within about a 20-minute drive of the co-op location.
Days: Fridays 9:30-11:00 am
Parent-Child: 2.5 - 5 years old (with a parent) *siblings under 2.5 may come, but must be worn by the grown-up
Drop Off: For children ages 3.5 - 8 years old and potty trained
Class Size:
Parent-Child: Up to 12 children (and their one adult) and 1 teacher
Drop Off: Up to 8 children with 1 teacher and 1 parent assistant
Parent-Child: $75 / 4-week session (includes materials fee) OR $105 / 6-week session (includes materials fee)
Drop Off: $80 / 4-week session (includes materials fee) OR $115 / 6-week session (includes materials fee)
Annual Membership Fee: $35 (per family)
Our enrichment program provides varied opportunities for children to experience the benefits of play and child-centered learning beyond the school day. Children will bring and enjoy their lunch with their peers. Classes are geared toward preschool through early elementary age children and are offered on a trimester basis. Topics may include: art, science, sensory, etc.
Days: Pop-Up Event depending on teacher availability - approx. 1 time per month for 1.5 hours
Ages: For children 2.5 - 6 years old and potty trained
Class Size: Up to 10 children with 1 teacher and 1 parent-assistant
Cost: $20/day
Annual Membership Fee: $35 (per family)
Please join one of our Preschool Preview Days and come meet our teachers and Co-op Director to learn
more about Bright Beginnings' play-based philosophy, family requirements, and program offerings.